BIO T3 is a synthetic foam designed for training purposes, based on the combination of surfactants selected for their foaming property and fast drainage time. BIO T3 creates an unstable foam, allowing easy restart to make operating schedule convenient.
Foaming power: BIO T3 is usable at Low, Medium and High Expansion. It can be used in all kind of training situations.
Fuel fires: BIO T3 is efficient on all hydrocarbon fires, such as diesel, gasoline, kerosene, petrol…
Environment: BIO T3 is harmless for environment and totally biodegradable. BIO T3 is totally fluorine-free and glycol-free.
BIO T3 can be used with tap water, sea water and brackish water at 3% on hydrocarbon fires. It is suitable with all kind of known equipment.
BIO T3 has a 2 years warranty in its original packaging and at storage temperatures 0°C/+60°C.