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The Rhino Tool is a traditional Wildland firefighting tool developed by USFS Wildland Hotshots.

They would cut apart a forest fire shovel and fabricate it into a large earth moving hoe. This would include cutting off the lower end of the spade, separating the spade from the steel shank/neck and welding it back together at a 90 deg. angle.

Our version of this tool is produced similarly to the NFES Fire shovel, forged as one-piece, into the shape of a hoe, with no welds.  This process replaces the need to fabricate/weld, and makes for a more durable tool.

This Rhino Tool comes with a curved primary edge for scraping the ground or digging, and two straight secondary edges used to cut through vegetation, or root systems.

It is available with two different handle lengths, which include the traditional shovel handle 38”, and a longer 48” version.

The overall lengths are approximately 45” & 53” respectively.

Rhino Tool; Solid Shank 48 in. Handle

    Redline Fire Equipment & Supply, LLC

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